- ls - list the files and directories in the current directory
- cd - change the current directory
- mkdir - create a new directory
- rmdir - remove a directory
- pwd - print the current working directory
- cp - copy files or directories
- mv - move or rename files or directories
- rm - remove files or directories
- touch - create a new empty file or update the timestamp of an existing file
- cat - concatenate and display files
- man - manual for a command
- htop - an interactive process viewer and system monitor
- chmod - change the permissions of a file or directory
- chown - change the owner of a file or directory
- tar - create or extract compressed archive files
- gzip - compress files
- gunzip - decompress compressed files
- ssh - connect to a remote server securely
- scp - securely copy files between systems
- ping - test network connectivity
- ifconfig - display or configure network interfaces
- netstat - display network connection information
- route - view or configure network routing tables
- top - display system resource usage and processes
- ps - display information about running processes
- kill - terminate a process
- systemctl - control system services and settings
- service - control system services
- useradd - add a new user to the system
- passwd - change the password for a user
- userdel - delete a user from the system
- su - switch user to become another user
- sudo - execute a command as another user or with elevated privileges
- uptime - display system uptime and load average
- df - display disk space usage
- du - display disk usage by file or directory
- mount - mount a file system
- umount - unmount a file system
- date - display or set the system date and time
- whoami - display the current user name
- which - locate a program or command in the system path
- finger - displays all the information about user
- uname - display system information
- history - display a list of previously executed commands
- echo - display text or variables to the console
- tee - redirect output to both a file and the console
- locate - locate any file on the system
- sort - sort lines of text in a file or input
- uniq - remove duplicate lines from a file or input
- head/tail - display the first/last few lines of a file or input